Joseph Blake

899 days ago

Kyle Rittenhouse: How the liberal political and media elites tried and failed to frame a white man for racist killings (of white men)

The British media is, not surprisingly, full of footage of folks in Brooklyn and a few other urban liberal ghettos for posh folk, rioting and attacking cops because Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of what they term a racist killing. Yes the two men who died were white but logic, proportion and the truth died a long time ago on the left. You will not be shown how in real America, in the flyover states, in the suburbs and in the small towns there are no riots because folks agree with the jury system and because the jury bravely defied political and media lies and pressure to reach the right verdict. But you will not be told about this. Never. You will be told this is a stor about gun ownership, white supremacy, racism  and injustice.
